For our project we created a horror opening sequence to a film, this was entertaining as the scenario was of a main protagonist being chased by a mysterious figure (which was me). To create the best mis en scene we used the latest fashion techniques to cover my face to blur the fact hat the figure was an unknown character. By doing this we used a £2 primark scarf wrapped around my face and my coat zipped up to my collar to cover my neck, not exactly Hollywood effects but it worked for our product. Many challenges faced in our group was the weather when filming luckily it was cold and gloomy which suited our film perfectly to add more realism of a typical horror film.
The positives I taken out of working on the whole production of the film was the amount of knowledge I gained and techniques in the editing process. It was enjoyable to go around Manchester finding shots to suit our product. I also very much enjoyed the aspect of of group work as i feel that we all pitched in our ideas and work together for example: Kelsea and Lucy did the camera work, Koceila did the editing and I blogged along with everyone else. Working as a unit went very well as we accomplished a high quality film therefore succeed in our task and we are all very proud of all our work as group.

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